Top 7 Tips for Latam IT Professionals Looking for Remote Jobs

In today’s globalized and interconnected world, remote work has become increasingly popular. Studies show that about 60% of job-seekers prefer opportunities that allow them to work from home. And reasonably so — the model offers increased flexibility, better work-life balance, and less commute stress. In fact, according to recent research by Tracking Happiness, employees operating remotely are generally 20% happier. For Latin American IT professionals, the work-from-home model presents a unique opportunity to access global job markets and collaborate with international teams without conventional geographical constraints. 

However, navigating the remote job landscape can be challenging, especially for those new to the concept. Where do you find legitimate remote work opportunities? How do you position yourself to attract the best employers? What makes remote work different from the traditional in-office model? This article comprehensively answers these and several other related questions. It also explains how to craft a killer resume with Zety, the go-to online resume and cover letter builder.

#Tip 1: Develop In-Demand Skills

One of the main reasons companies often opt for remote hiring is to look for employees with specific technical skills and competencies that they cannot easily find locally. The famous Forbes article, ‘The American Dream, Reimagined: Why LatAm Is Primed To Be The Next Silicon Valley’ that has been quoted millions of times affirms that while the talent shortage in most parts of America has contributed to LATAM’s newfound fame, the main reason is the region’s ‘expertise and specializations.’ 

Therefore, to enhance your chances of securing opportunities, ensure you’re the best at what you do. Stay abreast of industry trends and emerging technologies by continuously updating your skill set. You should also consider obtaining certifications in relevant areas such as cloud computing, cybersecurity, and software development frameworks. Demonstrating expertise in sought-after skills makes you more competitive and increases your marketability.

#Tip 2: Polish Your Online Presence

According to Zippia, approximately 67% of employers research potential candidates on social media platforms, and 84% of organizations recruit through social media. When applying for a remote tech job where the hiring manager is miles away, the chances that they’ll scour through your online portfolios are even higher. As a result, it’s crucial to have a solid online presence on professional platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed. Regularly update your portfolios on these sites to ensure they highlight your most competitive skills, experiences, and achievements. 

It may also help to design a personal website showcasing your projects, certifications, and testimonials from previous clients or employers. Alternatively, you can use platforms like WordPress,, Adobe Portfolio, and Flickr which allow users to create free project portfolios. If you have the gift of the gab, you can also create review videos on trending topics and post them on platforms like X and Facebook. Your goal should be to be as ‘loud’ and authoritative in your specialty as possible. 

#Tip 3: Build a Killer Resume and Cover Letter

In most cases, your cover letter and resume will be the first communication with remote hiring managers. If well-written, they can help you make an excellent first impression and persuade the employer to invite you for an interview. And the opposite is true.

So, what makes a great resume and cover letter? Below are a few factors to consider when crafting these documents:

  • Outline your most competitive and relevant qualifications as soon as possible
  • Focus on how you can help the employer achieve their business goals
  • Show the employer you’re a perfect fit by outlining your mutual interests
  • Keep these documents brief and direct to the point
  • Customize them for every application
  • Address the hiring manager with their names, such as Mr. Alex, instead of generic salutations like Dear Sir/Madam to show you researched the position.
  • Use numbers and descriptive language when highlighting your past achievements.
  • Maintain professionalism by proofreading to eliminate grammatical errors
  • Optimize with relevant keywords to enhance your chances of passing applicant tracking systems (ATS)
  • List your social media profiles
  • Get professional help from reputable resume builders like Zety

Unless you’re a resume-writing expert, we recommend getting professional help. Zety offers comprehensive resume and cover letter writing guides and customizable templates designed by certified career experts, with examples for reference. It also has an ATS Resume Checker to help candidates assess and improve their resumes. 

# Tip 4: Take Online Interviews As Seriously As You’d Take Physical Interviews

While virtual interviews might not seem to have the same level of  ‘seriousness’ as in-person interviews, the truth is that they’re trickier and require more in-depth preparations. The fact that you’re miles away from the interviewee means you barely have room for error. All the hiring managers rely on to gauge you is your presentation. Also, most online interviews are shorter, meaning you’ll have less time to make a case and highlight your expertise.

Here are a few factors to consider to ace virtual interviews:

  • Test your technology beforehand to avoid inconveniencing interruptions
  • Invest in proper lighting
  • Dress officially — impression matters
  • Research and create answers to potential questions in advance
  • Find a quiet location with limited distractions

#Tip 5: Leverage the Power of Networking

Your network is your net worth.” — Porter Gale

Networking is another effective technique you can use to uncover remote job opportunities. Building meaningful relationships can lead to referrals and recommendations for remote job openings that may not be advertised publicly. A recent survey by The Adler Group shows that up to 85% of job openings are filled through networking.

Below are a few networking tips to help you identify and get into the right IT professional circles:

  • Engage with peers, industry professionals, and potential employers through online forums like Reddit,,, Stack Overflow, and Webmasterworld.
  • Join professional associations like FIDIC Latin America. 
  • Attend virtual events and mingle with other tech professionals
  • Participate in IT-related webinars, workshops, and conferences
  • Interact with other LATAM tech experts through social media platforms like LinkedIn
  • Refer colleagues to opportunities that fit their expertise to encourage them to refer you 

#Tip 6: Gain Remote Working Experience Through Freelancing

In technical fields like IT, practical experience is very crucial. Therefore, as you hunt for full-time salaried positions, you can try your hand at freelancing to gain remote working experience and build your portfolio. Use free freelance marketplaces like Freelancer, Fiverr, and Upwork to look for gigs. Freelancing can help you master essential remote working skills like prioritization, adaptability, self-motivation, and effective communication — preparing you for full-time jobs. 

# Tip 7: Work With Remote Hiring Companies

If you want to escape the hassle of looking for remote opportunities by yourself, there’s a better and simpler way — working with remote hiring companies that specialize in connecting skilled IT experts with remote positions tailored to their expertise and preferences. These firms typically understand the nuances of remote work and can help you save the time and effort you’d have used in pursuing dead-ends.

The ideal remote hiring company should not only be familiar with the Latin American region but also be experienced in working with IT professionals. Also, they should demonstrate expertise in helping tech experts secure jobs in your preferred hiring destinations. For example, if you prefer remote jobs from Canada or North America, DevEngine is your go-to partner. We’ve been helping several LATAM IT specialists like you secure job opportunities in these regions since 2019.

Do you have any questions or need help crafting your resume? Get in touch with Zety. If you want to be connected to the best North American and Canadian employers, keep and eye on our current postings — we will be more than glad to work with you.